Return & Exchanges
- How can I return or exchange the product?
We have a 30 day return policy. Return shipping costs apply, and the item must be in its original condition and packaging to be accepted.
Please contact us with your order number and the package photos via email:, we will offer you the return label the next business day, you just need to print it, put the label and the packaged box in the drop off location. After you return the product, we will refund you all the money back or send you a new replacement.
- What if I received the product with problem?
Please contact us immediately with your order number and the photos of the problem via email: Please retain all parts and package until your issue is resolved.
- How long does it take to get my money back in the event of a return?
The money will be returned to your account within 3 to 5 business days, depending on your bank's processing time.